/* * ModSecurity for Apache 2.x, http://www.modsecurity.org/ * Copyright (c) 2004-2007 Breach Security, Inc. (http://www.breach.com/) * * You should have received a copy of the licence along with this * program (stored in the file "LICENSE"). If the file is missing, * or if you have any other questions related to the licence, please * write to Breach Security, Inc. at support@breach.com. * */ #include "modsecurity.h" #include "apache2.h" #include "http_core.h" #include "util_script.h" /** * Execute system command. First line of the output will be returned in * the "output" parameter. */ int apache2_exec(modsec_rec *msr, const char *command, const char **argv, char **output) { apr_procattr_t *procattr = NULL; apr_proc_t *procnew = NULL; apr_status_t rc = APR_SUCCESS; const char *const *env = NULL; apr_file_t *script_out = NULL; request_rec *r = msr->r; if (argv == NULL) { argv = apr_pcalloc(r->pool, 3 * sizeof(char *)); argv[0] = command; argv[1] = NULL; } ap_add_cgi_vars(r); ap_add_common_vars(r); /* PHP hack, getting around its silly security checks. */ apr_table_add(r->subprocess_env, "PATH_TRANSLATED", command); apr_table_add(r->subprocess_env, "REDIRECT_STATUS", "302"); env = (const char * const *)ap_create_environment(r->pool, r->subprocess_env); if (env == NULL) { msr_log(msr, 1, "Exec: Unable to create environment."); return -1; } procnew = apr_pcalloc(r->pool, sizeof(*procnew)); if (procnew == NULL) { msr_log(msr, 1, "Exec: Unable to allocate %i bytes.", sizeof(*procnew)); return -1; } apr_procattr_create(&procattr, r->pool); if (procattr == NULL) { msr_log(msr, 1, "Exec: Unable to create procattr."); return -1; } apr_procattr_io_set(procattr, APR_NO_PIPE, APR_FULL_BLOCK, APR_NO_PIPE); rc = apr_proc_create(procnew, command, argv, env, procattr, r->pool); if (rc != APR_SUCCESS) { msr_log(msr, 1, "Exec: Execution failed: %s (%s)", log_escape_nq(r->pool, command), get_apr_error(r->pool, rc)); return -1; } apr_pool_note_subprocess(r->pool, procnew, APR_KILL_AFTER_TIMEOUT); script_out = procnew->out; if (!script_out) { msr_log(msr, 1, "Exec: Failed to get script output pipe."); return -1; } apr_file_pipe_timeout_set(script_out, r->server->timeout); /* Now read from the pipe. */ { char buf[260] = ""; char *p = buf; apr_size_t nbytes = 255; apr_status_t rc2; rc2 = apr_file_read(script_out, buf, &nbytes); if (rc2 == APR_SUCCESS) { buf[nbytes] = 0; /* if there is more than one line ignore them */ while(*p != 0) { if (*p == 0x0a) *p = 0; p++; } msr_log(msr, 4, "Exec: First line from script output: \"%s\"", log_escape(r->pool, buf)); if (output != NULL) *output = apr_pstrdup(r->pool, buf); /* Soak up the remaining data. */ nbytes = 255; while(apr_file_read(script_out, buf, &nbytes) == APR_SUCCESS) nbytes = 255; } else { msr_log(msr, 1, "Exec: Execution failed: %s (%s)", log_escape_nq(r->pool, command), get_apr_error(r->pool, rc2)); return -1; } } apr_proc_wait(procnew, NULL, NULL, APR_WAIT); return 1; } /** * Record the current time and store for later. */ void record_time_checkpoint(modsec_rec *msr, int checkpoint_no) { char note[100], note_name[100]; apr_time_t now; now = apr_time_now(); switch(checkpoint_no) { case 1 : msr->time_checkpoint_1 = now; break; case 2 : msr->time_checkpoint_2 = now; break; case 3 : msr->time_checkpoint_3 = now; break; default : msr_log(msr, 1, "Internal Error: Unknown checkpoint: %i", checkpoint_no); return; break; } /* Apache-specific stuff. */ apr_snprintf(note, 99, "%" APR_TIME_T_FMT, (now - msr->request_time)); apr_snprintf(note_name, 99, "mod_security-time%i", checkpoint_no); apr_table_set(msr->r->notes, note_name, note); msr_log(msr, 4, "Time #%i: %s", checkpoint_no, note); } /** * Returns a new string that contains the error * message for the given return code. */ char *get_apr_error(apr_pool_t *p, apr_status_t rc) { char *text = apr_pcalloc(p, 201); if (text == NULL) return NULL; apr_strerror(rc, text, 200); return text; } /** * Retrieve named environment variable. */ char *get_env_var(request_rec *r, char *name) { char *result = (char *)apr_table_get(r->notes, name); if (result == NULL) { result = (char *)apr_table_get(r->subprocess_env, name); } if (result == NULL) { result = getenv(name); } return result; } /** * Internal log helper function. Use msr_log instead. */ void internal_log(request_rec *r, directory_config *dcfg, modsec_rec *msr, int level, const char *text, va_list ap) { apr_size_t nbytes, nbytes_written; apr_file_t *debuglog_fd = NULL; int filter_debug_level = 0; char str1[1024] = ""; char str2[1256] = ""; /* Find the logging FD and look up the logging level in the configuration. */ if (dcfg != NULL) { if ((dcfg->debuglog_fd != NULL)&&(dcfg->debuglog_fd != NOT_SET_P)) { debuglog_fd = dcfg->debuglog_fd; } if (dcfg->debuglog_level != NOT_SET) filter_debug_level = dcfg->debuglog_level; } /* Return immediately if we don't have where to write * or if the log level of the message is higher than * wanted in the log. */ if ((level > 3)&&( (debuglog_fd == NULL) || (level > filter_debug_level) )) return; /* Construct the message. */ apr_vsnprintf(str1, sizeof(str1), text, ap); apr_snprintf(str2, sizeof(str2), "[%s] [%s/sid#%lx][rid#%lx][%s][%i] %s\n", current_logtime(msr->mp), ap_get_server_name(r), (unsigned long)(r->server), (unsigned long)r, ((r->uri == NULL) ? "" : log_escape_nq(msr->mp, r->uri)), level, str1); /* Write to the debug log. */ if ((debuglog_fd != NULL)&&(level <= filter_debug_level)) { nbytes = strlen(str2); apr_file_write_full(debuglog_fd, str2, nbytes, &nbytes_written); } /* Send message levels 1-3 to the Apache error log too. */ if (level <= 3) { char *unique_id = (char *)get_env_var(r, "UNIQUE_ID"); char *hostname = (char *)r->hostname; if (unique_id != NULL) { unique_id = apr_psprintf(msr->mp, " [unique_id \"%s\"]", log_escape(msr->mp, unique_id)); } else unique_id = ""; if (hostname != NULL) { hostname = apr_psprintf(msr->mp, " [hostname \"%s\"]", log_escape(msr->mp, hostname)); } else hostname = ""; ap_log_error(APLOG_MARK, APLOG_ERR | APLOG_NOERRNO, 0, r->server, "[client %s] ModSecurity: %s%s [uri \"%s\"]%s", r->connection->remote_ip, str1, hostname, log_escape(msr->mp, r->unparsed_uri), unique_id); /* Add this message to the list. */ if (msr != NULL) { *(const char **)apr_array_push(msr->alerts) = apr_pstrdup(msr->mp, str1); } } return; } /** * Logs one message at the given level to the debug log (and to the * Apache error log if the message is important enough. */ void msr_log(modsec_rec *msr, int level, const char *text, ...) { va_list ap; va_start(ap, text); internal_log(msr->r, msr->txcfg, msr, level, text, ap); va_end(ap); } /** * Converts an Apache error log message into one line of text. */ char *format_error_log_message(apr_pool_t *mp, error_message *em) { char *s_file = "", *s_line = "", *s_level = ""; char *s_status = "", *s_message = ""; char *msg = NULL; if (em == NULL) return NULL; if (em->file != NULL) { s_file = apr_psprintf(mp, "[file \"%s\"] ", log_escape(mp, (char *)em->file)); if (s_file == NULL) return NULL; } if (em->line > 0) { s_line = apr_psprintf(mp, "[line %i] ", em->line); if (s_line == NULL) return NULL; } s_level = apr_psprintf(mp, "[level %i] ", em->level); if (s_level == NULL) return NULL; if (em->status != 0) { s_status = apr_psprintf(mp, "[status %i] ", em->status); if (s_status == NULL) return NULL; } if (em->message != NULL) { s_message = log_escape_nq(mp, em->message); if (s_message == NULL) return NULL; } msg = apr_psprintf(mp, "%s%s%s%s%s", s_file, s_line, s_level, s_status, s_message); if (msg == NULL) return NULL; return msg; } /** * Determines the reponse protocol Apache will use (or has used) * to respond to the given request. */ const char *get_response_protocol(request_rec *r) { int proto_num = r->proto_num; if (r->assbackwards) { return NULL; } if (proto_num > HTTP_VERSION(1,0) && apr_table_get(r->subprocess_env, "downgrade-1.0")) { proto_num = HTTP_VERSION(1,0); } if (proto_num == HTTP_VERSION(1,0) && apr_table_get(r->subprocess_env, "force-response-1.0")) { return "HTTP/1.0"; } return AP_SERVER_PROTOCOL; }